Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Here we go...

I shouldn't jinx it, but I'm really really really going to try to stop drinking coffee, for good. I've realized it's kind of been an idol in my life and anything that takes the place of God is no good, right? This is not going to be easy. But with God's help (and lots of prayer), it can be done.

I feel like I'm at a place in my life where I'm sort of weeding out a lot of things. I want to be the best woman of God that I can be. If that means not watching American Idol, throwing away some old CD's, cutting out coffee and dessert, getting rid of some clothes, learning to live a more simple life, working out more often, loving with all of my heart, not judging others, spending time with the Lord everyday instead of Facebooking, then so be it! God is WAY more important than all this other stuff. And I know I'll be way happier and more content if my life is completely aligned with His will. I don't want anything to distract me from hearing God's voice.

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