What a fun weekend [minus Bri moving away for almost 3 months.]
Friday night, Bri, Brook and I went out to dinner with Kyla @ Habaneros, then ice cream @ Cold Stone, then karaoke @ Rumors (so sketch!) We doned cowboy hats for no reason other than because we could. On saturday morning, Bri, Brook and I made scrambled eggs, sausage, potatoes, crepes and delicious coffee. I'm getting hungry just thinking about breakfast. Only a few more hours...
The weather has been rather exciting these past few days. On saturday, I hung out on J's deck and watched the sky turn from sun to clouds to lightening and thunder to rain. We weathered the storm (pun intended!) and sat outside for around 2 hours. Today a few of us went out to the lake where it should have been warm and sunny, but because I took so long gettin' ready, dark clouds were looming overheard. This did not stop my fearless friends from jumping off rocks and swimming across the lake and back. Such drive, such determination. I, however, subtly slid my way into the lake, courtesy of the perfectly slanted semi-slimy rock and a sturdy shoulder or two to hold on to.
Praise the Lord for summer! And friends! And the outdoors!
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