Give me a warm fire, a star-studded sky, good friends and some converation - and I'm set. Top it all off with an acoustic guitar and some melodic crooning and my life is complete. Oh, the simple things.
In the modern-day world of text messages, e-mail, and [insert latest form of technological communication here], genuine, heart-to-heart conversations seem to be happening less frequently. We're so preoccupied with getting from point A to B that we fail to connect with the people around us. A simple, "Hey, how's it goin'?" will not suffice. We need human interaction. We need more than commonplace rhetorical questions.
There's something so freeing about bundling up around a campfire and baring your soul to your closest friends. With only the sound of distant crickets and a gurgling stream to compete with, it's easy to surpass the mundane everyday conversations for topics more unique.
Anytime I'm outdoors I find it easier to be who I really am. There are no preconceived notions caging me in. I don't have to succumb to expecations - be to work on time, don't use that tone when talking to patients, drive the speed limit, answer the phone with a smile in your voice.
I find the wilderness inviting, invigorating, intoxicating. I find solace simply by hiking with a friend. Words don't always have to be exchanged. The silence often speaks volumes that will never be told through a Facebook comment or a mass e-mail.

Oh how good you are for my heart, Amers. I shall miss you this summer. I really hope you're able to make the trek to Santa Cruz and visit! And I hope you shall wait for my return with bated breath, upon which we will have many adventures. Let's go camping in September. Love you!
Amen... It is so easy to slow down and feel close to all of God's creation when you are surrounded by it. We all need time to put down the masks and just be who we are... just as the Lord created us. No text, no facebook quiz to tell us who we are. Now we just need to convert your Mom to camping
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