Today was my magical second day at OSS. I did what I'm best at: filing. Could this job get any better?
About an hour and a half into my work day (which would only prove to be 2.5 hours since I'd already worked 6.25 at the coffee shop), the official boss (S) called me into her office. After asking me about myself, she said something to the effect of: "I think you are highly overqualified for this position." Me? Overqualified for searching for folders and filing papers? No one has ever thought this highly of my qualifications before. Note the sarcasm.
While I agree with her, I love the idea of working monday through friday and being off no later than 5pm. However, I also am concerned that I may get bored.
So S then asks me if I've ever thought about being a Medical Assistant. Ha! Have I ever thought about being a Medical Assistant? I can barely assist myself with my own medical problems (ie. paper cuts, broken fingernails, etc), how on earth would I be able to assist with staples being removed or veins being injected?
Basically what the Medical Assistant position consists of is bringing the patients to their proper rooms, checking blood pressure, height, weight, asking appropriate questions as to what is ailing the patient and giving the doctor a brief synopsis so that they have some idea what is going on when they see the patient. The MA's also assist with post-op stuff, like handing things to doctors.
After much thought, I'd really like to pursue an MA position, but I'm also willing to do just about anything that doesn't involve making coffee or folding clothes. I'm ready to be challenged and I welcome the opportunity to learn and grow as a person.
So for now I'm just waiting to hear back from OSS as to what they've decided to do with me.
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